Crítica Contemporánea. Revista de Teoría Política.

Llamado a contribuciones

Call for papers



We call for the presentation of contributions for consideration in our next edition, corresponding to the 10th Anniversary Number of the magazine (December 2021), with the following theme:


Perspectives on freedom of expression in higher education


Opening: May 1, 2021

Closing: July 30, 2021

Perspectives on freedom of expression in higher education

Freedom of expression is a right that is exercised in the public sphere. Nowadays, what is usually understood by freedom of expression in the university is presented as the synthesis, in constant transformation, of historical efforts to leave behind forms of tyranny that are not conducive to the production of knowledge and its democratization. However, there is not a single concept of academic freedom.

There is constant controversy around the pertinence of bringing social, political, economic, and religious issues into the classroom. In the context of both virtual and in-person university classes, teachers and students face situations involving freedom of expression daily. For example, how to deal with perspectives that affect negatively vulnerable and/or historically subordinated groups? How to articulate academic coexistence with expressions that lean towards intolerance? What arguments are usually used in favor or against censorship or regulation of speech in the classroom? When and how is offense or damage enacted?

Freedom of expression as a contemporary problematique invites to revisit the foundations of our cultural traditions and to locate discourses and actions within the context of its production:

What does freedom of expression mean nowadays in the university environment? What types of rights, obligations and/or guarantees are invoked when referring to freedom of expression? Do the boundaries of “freedom of expression” affect all areas of knowledge and disciplines equally? Are disciplines, specializations, and fields in the sphere of "the social" more likely to be affected by the implications of "freedom of expression"? Have natural and basic sciences not been affected? And what about the technological and health areas?

Contributions may explore these and other questions. We invite colleagues from all around the globe and from different scholarly fields to engage in a robust exploration of freedom of expression. With this Special Issue we will celebrate the first ten years of Crítica Contemporánea. Revista de Teoría Política.             

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